I’ve been in Georgia for over three years now and to be honest, I really haven’t left Augusta all that much to go see anything else. I’ve done some touristy stuff in Atlanta and Savannah. I went to a Trump campaign rally in Macon and I’ve been to Athens to see the University. Other than doing that stuff though, I have to say I’ve barely seen any of Georgia and I know it has a lot more to often. So I’m going to start traveling around Georgia and visiting all of the breweries and brewpubs available! Continue reading “Beer Me!”
Month: October 2017
Longing for Europe
It was 2009 and there I was sitting in my second period of Geography class, sophomore year. As Mr. Aurand was going on about shapes or angles, or whatever else you learn in Geography, I was doing some day dreaming. Staring at who knows what, I was thinking about a more exciting life and ways I could make it happen. I was so tired of being in my small town and I wanted to get away and go do things nobody around me was doing. Then it hit me. I wanted to be a foreign exchange student. Just to let you know, being a foreign exchange student wasn’t just something kids in my town did. There had only been one other person at my school to have done it. Continue reading “Longing for Europe”
Overcome by Books
One section for the blog that I’d really like to start doing is book reviews. I love to read and I read a ton of books, mainly self-improvement/business books, and every now and then some fiction. However, I think that just about anybody can go read a book and state their thoughts and write a little summary of it all then move on. That to me is boring and unsatisfying. I mean I’d rather just go read the book myself then. So that’s why I’m going to do something different and something more experimental that could provide real value to not only my life, but also yours. Continue reading “Overcome by Books”
What’s Next In My Real Estate Adventure?
The world is my oyster and I think it’s time for me to get more serious about my real estate investing. There is so much opportunity available to for us to grab out in today’s society and I don’t want to sit on the sidelines. Continue reading “What’s Next In My Real Estate Adventure?”
Two Years to “Freedom”
Okay, so it’s not really two years anymore until my enlistment is over with the Air Force. It’s more like a year and eight months, but two years sounds better for a title and as of today when I’m writing this I have 610 days until June 12, 2019, my ETS date. Continue reading “Two Years to “Freedom””
Finding a Second Job
Off we go!
Yes, I work full time in the Air Force, but I want a second job. I don’t really need the money, but I have some pretty big goals and I could use more money to help speed some things up and accomplish more. Continue reading “Finding a Second Job”
Financial Freedom!
Imagine waking up without an alarm clock. You lay there in bed, so comfortable, smiling from the amazing dream you just had. You can feel the warmth of the sun shining in through your open windows and hear the soft crashes of the waves hitting the shore. A slight breeze comes through bringing in the smell of the sea. You know it’s going to be a good day. Continue reading “Financial Freedom!”
Skydiving is by far one of the scariest, thrilling, invigorating, and best all-time moments of my life and I believe everybody should do it. Continue reading “Skydiving!”
Stop Sacrificing the Little Things!
I love drinking coffee. Absolutely love it and I know plenty of other people do as well. It’s usually the first thing I drink in the morning. Maybe it sounds weird, but it soothes me. I drink it during calm activities like reading a book, writing a blog post, or just hanging out. Sometimes I think maybe I drink too much of it, but I just swat that idea right out of existence. (Is drinking too much coffee really ever a thing?) Continue reading “Stop Sacrificing the Little Things!”
Real Estate and What I Do
Up until now, I’ve been more of a private person. I usually keep my life to myself except for a random post to Instagram or me snapping a picture of Barkley for all to see. Besides that though nobody really knows that much about me besides family, close friends and a few coworkers. Continue reading “Real Estate and What I Do”