Today is my birthday! The big 24. When there’s not much to look forward to and people start to not care if it’s your birthday. I have to say, I’ll be looking forward to 25 for that insurance reduction! haha I’m not going to waste 24 though. I have too much I want to do! 

23 was a pretty good year for me. I started to get out of my comfort zone by learning to ride a motorcycle, going skydiving, purchasing my third house, and starting this blog. However, the other night I found a list of goals I had written down for 23 and 2017. As I read the list I realized I accomplished nothing I had written. Poo poo on me, right?

If I had read my list last year I would’ve been disappointed. I would’ve felt like I had done nothing or just wasted the year completely. That’s not true at all though. I laughed at myself for the list too because some of the things I wrote definitely were’t the most realistic to accomplish in one year. I mean I could’ve at least been working on them all, but I didn’t implement any plans to actually reach and work towards them. All I did was write some goals down (which is more than a lot of people can say) then I never really looked at the list again.

This year I’m going to try doing something else. I’m going to not only write down my goals starting off, but I’m going to write them down every single morning to keep them fresh in my head and to help me stay focused on making sure what I’m doing each day will take me one step further towards achieving the things I want. I also have this blog now and all of you awesome people to help me stay accountable as well!

What are some of my goals this year?

So I’m still considering a few things I may like to do, but for now I would like to

  • Run a marathon
  • Take a week long trip to the Czech Republic
  • Save $20,000
  • Add two more properties to my real estate portfolio
  • Visit and drink at every brewery in Georgia

Those are a couple of the biggies. I may add one or two more or those might end up changing. I have some smaller goals as well, like going hang gliding, but that’s just some extra stuff that I’m sure I’ll write about once I do them.

Stay classy everybody!