Financial Freedom!

Imagine waking up without an alarm clock. You lay there in bed, so comfortable, smiling from the amazing dream you just had. You can feel the warmth of the sun shining in through your open windows and hear the soft crashes of the waves hitting the shore. A slight breeze comes through bringing in the smell of the sea. You know it’s going to be a good day.  Continue reading “Financial Freedom!”

Stop Sacrificing the Little Things!

I love drinking coffee. Absolutely love it and I know plenty of other people do as well. It’s usually the first thing I drink in the morning. Maybe it sounds weird, but it soothes me. I drink it during calm activities like reading a book, writing a blog post, or just hanging out. Sometimes I think maybe I drink too much of it, but I just swat that idea right out of existence. (Is drinking too much coffee really ever a thing?)  Continue reading “Stop Sacrificing the Little Things!”


While I respect all religions and faiths of people around the world, I personally am not much of a religious man. I’d say I’m more agnostic, but there have been times in my life where things just get weird and start to make me question if there is an all powering force around us, whether it be a God, a multitude of Gods, or just the Universe. Continue reading “Tithing”


In this journey called life I believe that each and every one of us is truly searching for more. More of what you ask? I can’t quite say what that is for everybody, but I can make a guess and say that some people are searching for more knowledge, more love, more money, more time, more experiences, more spirituality, more (insert your more here).  Continue reading “More”

The Search Begins

Hey, welcome to my blog. I’m Patric Moore. For far too long I’ve let fear control me when it comes to starting a blog. To think that my words and thoughts will be out in the open for all to criticize and critique is pretty frightening to me, but I’ve come to realize at one point or another, if you want to leave a mark and make a change in this world then you really just need to say f*ck it and put yourself out there. So here goes nothing!

Continue reading “The Search Begins”